Riva Ridge in Spotlight at Secretariat Festival

 For once, Riva Ridge shared the spotlight with his stablemate, Big Red, and in Paris, of all places.  Paris, Kentucky, that is, where the annual Secretariat Festival took place and where our new book “Riva Ridge – Penny’s First Champion” made its “world debut” on September 29.

What better kick-off than to have Penny Chenery, the First Lady of Racing, signing copies of the book about the horse she called her “Golden Boy.” She credits Riva with saving  Meadow Stable when it was faltering after her father’s illness and her family wanted to sell it.  Riva’s winnings of $500,000 in 1971 quelled that notion and earned him the title of Champion Two-Year- Old.  Penny said in our book, “Riva kept everything  – the morale, the plan, the program – going until Secretariat came along to do those remarkable things.  Without Riva, I can’t guarantee we would have even had Secretariat.”

At the Secretariat Festival, Penny autographed  copies of our Riva book and “Secretariat’s Meadow,” along with lots of memorabilia, for over two hours. Also signing autographs for hundreds of delighted fans were Ron Turcotte, jockey, and Charlie Davis, exercise rider.

You can read more about Riva and order copies of “Riva Ridge – Penny’s First Champion” through our website at www.secretariatsmeadow.com.  

In the meantime, here is a great photo of Penny with Charlie Davis at the Secretariat Festival.





And here is a photo of Penny with Ron Turcotte at the Thoroughbred Club dinner held in her honor on Sept. 30 at Keeneland.




By Leeanne Meadows Ladin

co-author of “Secretariat’s Meadow – The Land, The Family, The Legend” and “Riva Ridge – Penny’s First Champion” with Kate Chenery Tweedy




Secretariat’s Meadow Galloping into Kentucky

Our Barnstorming Book Tour is going along at a fast clip!  October will kick off with a crowded field of events!

First,  Kate and Penny will be going to LA for the long-awaited premiere of the Secretariat film on Sept. 30. We will look for them on the red carpet!  Or maybe it will be a blue and white carpet for the Meadow Stable colors?  

Then our jet-setting Kate lands in Paris, KY for the Bourbon County Secretariat Festival on October 2 where she will be meeting and greeting fans and signing “Secretariat’s Meadow.”  On October 3, she is signing at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington for our good friends with the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation.  That evening, Wayne Dementi (our publisher)  and I meet up with Kate for the special screening of the film and a book signing.

On October 4, we have signings at the International Equestrian Festival in Lexington and at the Kentucky Derby Museum in Louisville. Wayne and I have to get back to Richmond on October 5, but Kate stays to continue signing at WEG and IEF through October 6.

On October 7, Kate rejoins us in Richmond for another round of book events  through October 14. The complete schedule for the book tour is posted on www.secretariatsmeadow.com  We promise to post lots of pics and video.  Be sure to check our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Secretariats-Meadow-The-Land-The-Family-The-Legend/107942289227260?v=wall#! for for daily updates from Kentucky!

It’s starting to feel like Secretariat’s Derby where he ran every furlong faster!

Leeanne Meadows Ladin

co-author, “Secretariat’s Meadow – The Land, The Family, The Legend”